
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Buzz Lightyear Felt Wings

For Halloween this year my toddler wanted to be Buzz Lightyear which was an easy enough costume to find but none of the options came with wings! What is the point of BL without wings? Amazon sold some for $8 plus I have prime so no shipping but I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try and make some. I don't have a step by step photo breakdown but I did my best to explain how I did this!


  • Felt in purple, lime green, white, gray and red
  • Thin cardboard (I used a cereal box)
  • Ribbon or elastic
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  1. I sketched and cut the basic shape out of a cereal box. I mostly eyeballed sizing this with the exception of the sizing from the middle to the edges so the "jet pack" wouldn't look lopsided in the middle. For the lines I did use a ruler to sketch to make sure it was straight when I cut.
  2. I completely covered the back of the cereal box with white felt and hot glue, trimming off the excess around the shape. 
  3. For the details on the pack I took my sons doll and copied it. Everything was pretty simple to eyeball and I'm not good at things like this, just take your time on this part. I did not glue anything down until all the pieces were cut out and arranged how I liked them. For the green side pieces I did take a separate piece of cardboard that I cut into oval shapes and covered to make them pop more. Hot glue everything down.
  4. I used ribbon to tie on my son's shoulders but you can use elastic as well. On the side that touched my son's back I hot glued a piece of ribbon on each side of the jet pack in the places I felt it would sit on his shoulders and be tied on. Over that I glued purple felt and cut around the excess. That's it! You're done! 
Things I would do differently: I would get thicker ribbon as I felt the smaller ribbon didn't hold as well and slipped more than I would have liked. 

The most time consuming part of this is cutting out all the details of the wings but it is worth it and really I only spent 1.5 hours total on this project over the course of 2 nights. My total cost ended up being about $3. I only had to buy felt and I bought a lot more than I needed. And the best part was my son's face when he saw the wings and found out I made them, he loved them! 

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