
Friday, November 29, 2013

Thankful For...

I'm a day late on this post but Happy Thanksgiving! I was so busy yesterday I didn't even stop to reflect on what I was thankful for. Of course I'm thankful every day but there is a certain something about the whole day of giving thanks that makes you appreciate it so much more.

Of course my top of the list thankful for would be my son. Every day he amazes me and sometimes I just can't believe I actually MADE him, it blows my mind. I can remember his first Thanksgiving well, it wasn't easy to have a crowded room of people and a baby who just wanted to crawl and had no interest in food. And those were the "easy" days, I just didn't realize it yet! :)

I'm also thankful for my husband, I've been under the weather and if he's home and I'm not feeling well I don't even have to ask, I can stay in bed all day and he'll take care of Landon. He's not perfect, and I'm not perfect, but on Sunday we'll celebrate 4 years of marriage.

And lastly I'm thankful for the rest of my family and friends. Lots of good health and fortune this year and I'm hoping 2014 continues that way!

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